Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Art for Eruption Victims at LUC [nov. 15/22/23, 2010]

October 26, 2010 was one of the most difficult moments for us, five LUC students from Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Ouda T. Ena*, Markus Budiraharjo, Pius Prihatin, Chatarina Wigati, and Catur Rismiati). On that particular day, and the following days onward, peaking on November 5, massive volcanic ash and tons of sulphuric materials were thrown out from the most active volcano in Indonesia, Mt Merapi, with the death toll reaching more than 240 lives and more than 350,000 people stranded in makeshift camps.

Among those stranded are our relatives, colleagues, students, and friends.

We've learned so much from our earlier encounter with the 2006 earthquake that claimed more than 6,000 lives. Alleviating the burdens of others proves to be a healthy way for us to cope with our fear, our feeling of useless and helpless. So, to start with, we are to set an initiative by selling paintings and other Indonesian stuff(2 batik t-shirts, 1 puppet, 3 playing cards, key rings, etc.). The money raised will be sent to our University back home to help the existing programs such as providing food, shelter, and trauma healing for children.

Please visit us at The Terry Student Center, 26 E Pearson (across from Corboy Law Center) on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 November (10 a.m. – 9 p.m.).

More paintings will be exhibited and uploaded.
All the drawings and paintings are original, painted by Ouda.
The souvenirs are donated by Wigati, Catur, Markus, and Pius

To donate or purchase the paintings and other stuff please contact one of the LUC students:

Markus: mbudiraharjo1@gmail.com (773 7478072)

Ouda: oena@luc.edu (773 2907320)

Pius: pius.prihatin@yahoo.com (773 4706546)

Wigati: cwigati@gmail.com (773 6971967)

Catur: emanuelacatur@yahoo.com


(*Ouda T. Ena is a member of Kelompok SEPI. With Dom and Sue Dwyer, and WILTA, Kelompok SEPI organized an exhibition in Australia to raise money for a trauma healing program for children when the earth quake flattened southern parts of Yogyakarta in 2006. You can learn about the event here: http://kelompoksepi.blogspot.com/2006_06_01_archive.html or http://kelompoksepi.blogspot.com/2006/08/earthquake-in-childrens-eyes.html )

Art for Eruption Victims [nov. 13, 2010]

"Since its initial eruptions on October 25th, Indonesia's Mount Merapi continues to spew hot gases and ash as far as 5,000 meters into the atmosphere, wreaking havoc on surrounding villages and farms, and disrupting air travel - and more than 140 people have been killed by the eruptions over the past two weeks. Hundreds of thousands of residents have been displaced, many of them living in temporary shelters". (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/11/mount_merapis_eruptions.html)

To help the displaced people Kelompok SEPI and other groups organized a fund raising activity

by conducting mural painting , poetry reading, and music and dance performance in Yogyakarta.

Hadiprana Gallery [july 25 - august 15, 2010]

Some of Kelompok SEPI members exhibited their works at Hadiprana Gallery, Jakarta. The title of the exhibition was "Behind the Funny Make Up" exploring the ideas around the lives of "clowns".

11th Anniversary [dec. 2009]

Bulan Desember tahun 2009 kelompok SEPI merayakan ulang tahun yang kesebelas. Kebersamaan selama 11 tahun ini ditandai dengan doa bersama dan pameran karya-karya kecil di Studio 4Art.

Friends of the Studio

Friends are dropping by at Studio 4art where members of Kelompok SEPI hang and work. Some just drop by, others discuss current issues in art, and some end up creating art works. These friendships have been very productive and positive.Beberapa orang sering mampir ke Studio 4art tempat anggota kelompok SEPI sering kumpul-kumpul. Mereka sekedar bertandang, kadang diskusi, dan kadang bahkan ikut melukis. Pertemanan dan diskusi ini tak jarang menghasilkan banyak ide-ide berkesenian.